Second Variable
Multiple boxes containing in total 300kg of chocolate
Dimensions variable
The artwork is part of the project "Study of Energy Emission Generated from 300kg of Chocolate", which is composed of three variables. These variables serve as a means of transforming potential limitations into creative opportunities. The project centers on the artist's appropriation of approximately 300 kilograms of chocolate, initially showcased in the Dieter Roth and Björn Roth retrospective exhibition at Hangar Bicocca. Afterward, the chocolate was transported from the museum to the artist's university campus residence in Milan.
Months later, the chocolate was discovered, and the campus director instructed the artist to remove it from the premises within a week. In an effort to discreetly store the 300kg of chocolate on campus, the artist distributed it into boxes and entrusted it to friends, professors, and various other locations. Through this daring and unconventional process, the artist explored the themes of obstacles and energy, transforming constraints into creative possibilities.
To track the chocolate's whereabouts, the artist created a database that documented the distribution of the chocolate, which had been divided into small boxes and given to temporary custodians. Each custodian signed an agreement to keep the box indefinitely, as long as the artist did not require it for future work. These custody agreements not only formalized the arrangement but also helped maintain a connection between the artist and the custodians. Monthly updates titled "Fragments of an Energy Study" were sent via email, serving as a diary that chronicled the project's development and kept the custodians informed of the artist's activities.
During the course of the project, the chocolate boxes were retrieved twice to create wall installations, which were exhibited in two galleries as part of separate exhibitions.