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Oravecz_Stay Home_still05-min.JPG

Timea Anita Oravecz

Stay at home
bird cage, toilet paper

“Stay Home“ criticizes the narrow-mindedness of mass consumerism and commodification in late capitalism. The feverish hunt for toilet paper which happened in western supermarkets in the early days of the pandemic exposed its geographically disproportionate consumption, which saw in 2018 25 kilograms of toilet paper used per person in North America  against the average global per capita usage of just 5 kilograms a year. While “Stay home” evokes the daily experience of Social Distancing, Quarantine and Isolation in the COVID-19 era, it reflects on the intimate and daily dimension of being trapped by the privileged anxieties of western consumer societies.

Timea Anita Oravecz, born in Budapest, graduated at 2007 BFA, Accademia di Belle Arti, Department of Sculpture, Venice and Master Student by Professor Olafur Eliasson, Institut für Raumexperimente (2009-2011), Examination at 2011 February.

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